At this point the Brighton team is likely to have only 4 players for the event;
Friday evening practice - Cost is $200.00 for half the field - at 9 players between the 2 teams that is $22.222222222 each player.
Saturday - $400.00 from each team - 5 players - $80.00 per player - 4 players - $100.00 per player
Sunday - $400.00 from each team - - 5 players - $80.00 per player - 4 players - $100.00 per player
Chadd, Mike & Max should also be prepared to buy 1 case of paint each for practice on Friday evening at $25.00/case or bring their own paint with them, or buy from GZ at whatever their cost might be.
Brighton - $222.22 each plus practice paint.
Codrington - $182.22 each
I would also recomend that you guys bring spending money as well. As usual I will be treating you guys to some things, however since we will be there for the weekend, I am thinking that a Saturday evening activity would be in order. A movie - mini-putt - go-carting etc. If anyone has any bright ideas, please bring them along with you. Jeff & Mikey - this is your neighborhood, I would appreciate this kind of information from you guys, location & cost of activities -wether you plan on participating or not.