The last Flag Raiders Winter Series event will be played on March 27,2011. If we are to attend, then all players who are planning on attending must post up saying so. We will hold a meeting on March 12,2011. All players who will play in this tournament will need to attend. A deposit of $50.00 per player ( this will go towards paint for the tournament) must be paid at this time. If you are unable to attend this meeting the deposit must be paid before March 12,2011. We are looking to have at least 2 teams out for this event. If your team does not want to play in this event, post up. I reccomend that 1 player from each team be responsible for contacting the rest of the team to ensure that everyone posts up one way or the other. I do understand that life can be very busy & that there is more to your lives than just paintball. However the same holds true for me. Contrary to popular belief I do not sit at home every day doing nothing just waiting for you guys to want to play. I need to make arrangements to be able to attend these events. These arrangements can be very costly & as such I am not willing to make them for a maybe.
Brighton, you guys rostered 6 players in the fall & to date I have heard from only 2 players consistently & only 4 altogether. Do you guys have a team or do I need to re-form the team for the CX4 season? We are coming down to the crunch with only a few months left until the 2011 season. If this team can't get it together soon we will have to make a new one. Reliability & Commitment are what is required to have a team. Let's get it together!!!!!!